Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Goodbye now!

(This is my reaction to a poem titled ”Goodbye” by my niece Tmt. Meena Suresh. Her poem is annexed)

Goodbye, say it or not,

A day will come that

We may leave, parting others

For times, better, or worse.


Days will pass nd we may drift,

parting our ways.

Find no time to say a

Hello or hi.


With years, we may not cognize

Ourselves or others

Also, a day may come,

Sooner, than I think.

Sudden nd unexpected,

To relinquish, one and all, forever.


No time or mood, to say bye.

Better I say now, goodbye.

Goodbye my child, goodbye.

No regrets later, for

Not telling it, before.


GOODBYE by Tmt. Meena Suresh.

Let's not say goodbye

It sounds too final....

As if we are closing the doors

Of shared thoughts over

The years unknowingly...

Let's not say goodbye

Bye and bye can only

Detach us from time immortal

As it looks over wafting memories

For years unknowingly

Let's not say goodbye

Goodness never opens

And closes as too many souls

Had interlaced their existence

Over the years unknowingly...

Let's not say goodbye....

Sometimes somewhere something

Someone will take us closer together

And make us feel one unite

Along the years unknowingly....

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